Tag : campagne et champs


Les 14 séries TV ayant pour thématique : campagne et champs

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Les Arpents Verts

Les Arpents Verts


(Green Acres)

Las de la vie citadine, un avocat new-yorkais et son épouse s'installent dans une ferme dans la petite communauté de Hooterville. Un changement radical de vie qui s'avère bien difficile...

La Petite maison dans la prairie

La Petite maison dans la prairie


(Little house on the prairie)

Suivez les aventures d'une famille de pionniers américains, les Ingalls, avec leurs trois enfants, dans la petite ville de Walnut Grove. De la joie aux drames, leur vie est une série d'épreuves.


Roy Perkins, déménage avec sa famille dans la campagne américaine après son licenciement, pour devenir surveillant pénitentiaire dans une nouvelle prison privée. Alors que la ville et sa famille prospèrent, Roy entre dans des conflits et se met en danger, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur de l'enceinte de la prison...

Tess Of The D'Urbervilles



1842. Cranford est une petite bourgade dans le Cheshire (en Angleterre) sur le point de connaître de profonds bouleversements et de verser dans le modernisme. Certains habitants y voient des opportunités, d'autres craignent des révolutions néfastes...

Born and Bred

It's the 1950s and the National Health Service is going through great changes. Arthur Gilder, a GP in an idyllic Lancashire village and is quite happy with the old way of doing things. But when his son Tom, a doctor in a Manchester hospital, has more modern ideas. When Tom moves back to Ormston with his family, the two are destined to clash over the future of the surgery...

Monarch of the Glen

Happy living the London dream running a restaurant with his chic girlfriend, Archie MacDonald reckons he's left his childhood in the Scottish Highlands safely behind. Unfortunately for him, his mother Molly has other plans. She lures him back to the family's lochside mansion, Glenbogle, before springing the news that ownership of the sprawling estate has been transferred to him! The young aristocrat must avert impending bankruptcy, while dealing his eccentric parents; Glenbogle's faithful ghillie, Golly and his naive assistnt Duncan; hot-headed local headteacher Katrina, and Lexie, the sassy housekeeper who soon develops a crush on her new master.

Father Ted

Three Irish priests live together on Craggy Island, tended to by their manically attentive housekeeper, Mrs Doyle. The disperate men of the cloth have one thing in common ? each has been banished to the desolate isle by the Bishop as punishment. Ted, the sanest of the bunch, has rather a habit of getting into difficult situations. When he does, his two colleagues aren't much help ? Dougal is kind hearted but simple minded, whilst the aging alcoholic Jack's main activity is shouting out "feck" and "drink" when disturbed...


Police surgeon Dr. Paul Dangerfield has relocated from London to Warwickshire following the death of his wife in a car accident. The widower does his best to juggle his job with raising teenagers Alison and Marty...

Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth isn't exactly what you'd call a high flier. A Police Constable in the sleepy Higland village of Lochdubh, he's more than happy remaining a bobby on the beat. All in all, with faithful canine companion Wee Jock at his side, and perhaps a sneaky joint in his pocket, the stubborn Scotsman does a pretty good job of keeping the local peace... Note: This series is based on the Hamish Macbeth detective novels by M. C. Beaton

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