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Les 7 séries TV ayant pour thématique : nord

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Gran Reserva

All The Small Things

In a town in the north of England the sparky but self-effacing Esther sings her heart out in the enthusiastic local choir, conducted by her husband, the charismatic and inspiring Michael. Full-time mother to teens Fred, Georgia and the troubled but musically gifted Kyle, Esther nimbly juggles the demands of clashing choral egos and chaotic family life.That is, until glamorous soprano Layla arrives on the scene, tearing apart the harmony of the choir ? and Esther's marriage ? dividing loyalties and creating mayhem wherever she turns.. Further intrigue appears in the shape of Jake, a handsome young curate with a secret mission to shake up the old order ? and whose own past has been blighted by the spirited Layla.

Doctor Mateo

Doctor Mateo

La série raconte comment un médecin connu vivant à New York revient à l'endroit où il passait ses vacances d'été quand il était petit pour exercer son métier. La série se déroule à San Martín del Sella, nom dans la fiction d'un petit village d'Asturies, Lastres (en Espagne).

The Cup


(Cup, The)

I Didn't Know You Cared

Join Carter Brandon and his entire family, Uncle Mort, Mother, Father, girlfriend, and of course Uncle Stavely, in their small Yorkshire mining village for this heartwarming comedy based on the books by Peter Tinniswood.

Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads

Coronation Street

Coronation Street

Les vies, les amours et les bonheurs des habitants de Weatherfield, dans une banlieue de classe moyenne de Manchester.

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